About us

About us

Alle aktive medlemmer i Aarhus Guiderne

The Aarhus Guides is the largest and most experienced organisation of professional guides in Aarhus, the Central Region of Denmark, and the rest of Jutland.

For more than 70 years Aarhus Guides have been providing group tours in Aarhus, for all ages and languages.

We offer guided tours in multiple languages, eg. Danish, English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, French, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, Polish, and Russian.

Om os, billede fra en guidet tur

What can we offer?

Join one of our scheduled city walks (in the season) or a tour at Aarhus City Hall (all year).

Or book your own private tour with the Aarhus Guides.

Regardless of your particular interests, we’ll gladly assist with input and planning for your day out, sightseeing in and around Aarhus.

Still fra en guidet tur - Aarhus Ø

The Aarhus Guides know the city of Aarhus and its many attractions – The City Hall, ARoS Art Museum, Aarhus Cathedral, Den Gamle By (The Old Town), The University Park, the Aarhus Docklands, and Moesgaard Museum (MOMU), etc.

An Aarhus Guide is always updated on what is going on in the city, on the newest building constructions (e.g. the Aarhus Docklands), and the latest events.

We’ll also guide bus tours (in your own bus) in Aarhus or out of the city, eg. to Mols and Ebeltoft, Rosenholm Castle, Gammel Estrup – The Danish Manor & Estate Museum, Clausholm Castle, and Himmelbjerget.


AarhusGuides is an associations with around 60 active guides as members.

The board:

Still fra en guidet tur - Hack

Personal data protection

The Aarhus Guide Association processes all personal data in accordance with the current legislation under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into force on 25 May 2018.

We store all personal information, e.g. name, address, email address and telephone number, in order to answer your inquiries and fulfill the contract you enter into with us when you order guide services. You may, on request, be informed about the information we have about you and revoke it, if desired.

Your contact information will remain with us and will be stored safely and confidentially, so that it does not reach unauthorised persons or is in any way distributed or sold to third parties. When you book a guide service with us, we only exchange information which is absolutely necessary to our partners in order to complete tour arrangements.

We never store information about your orders for longer than is necessary, usually a maximum of 5 years according to the Accounting Act.

Photo credits

Thanks to the following photographer for the pictures on our website:
Børge Venge
Claus Haagensen
Jens Tønnesen
Lars Kruse

Rundvisning på Aarhus Rådhus inkl. tårn

Besøg Arne Jacobsen og Erik Møllers berømte og ikoniske funkisbygning.

Aarhus Rådhus blev indviet i 1941. Tag med på turen, og få et enestående indblik i husets spændende historie og arkitektur. Se den flotte byrådssal samt den romantiske bryllupssal, og nyd interiøret og de mange smukke møbler, som Hans J. Wegner er hovedmanden bag.

Turen er den perfekte lejlighed til at opleve rådhuset indefra. Desuden er det en enestående mulighed for at stige til vejrs i det 60 meter høje rådhustårn, komme helt tæt på det imponerende klokkespil og nyde panoramaudsigten over Aarhus fra toppen af tårnet.

Gå med, eller lad dig inspirere, hvis du ønsker at bestille en privat rådhustur med os

Aarhus Rådhus - trappe

Rådhusets hovedindgang, Rådhuspladsen 2, Aarhus C.

Voksne: 125 DKK
Børn u/18: 50 DKK