
Take a bus ride

Take a bus ride

Book your own private guide for a bus tour, eg.:

  • A Panorama tour in your own bus to some of the greatest attractions in Aarhus – The City Hall, ARoS Art Museum, Aarhus Cathedral, Den Gamle By (The Old Town), The University Park, the Aarhus Docklands, and Moesgaard Museum (MOMU), etc.

  • A Panorama tour in your own bus out of the city, out of the city, eg. to Mols and Ebeltoft, Rosenholm Castle, Gammel Estrup – The Danish Manor & Estate Museum, Clausholm Castle, and Himmelbjerget.

We’ll gladly arrange a special and tailor-made tour for you.

More information: Tel. +45 25 88 88 17.
Booking: aarhusguide@live.dk

Bestil en customized bustur

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